Published October 1, 2018 Author: ALTCARE STAFF
Welcome to, where “alternative care” is not the traditional sense of treating cancer. No, is about the options – natural, integrative, and conventional – for cancer treatment and how to fund cancer treatments.
Our mission is unlike the majority of healthcare-related sites. We offer many different (often overlooked and creative) alternatives to mainstream cancer care. also addresses alternative ways to pay for healthcare. (If you believe insurance will cover the cost of cancer treatment, you have not been paying attention.)
We’ve all seen the claims for the “cure” for cancer; seems everyone has the answer. The fact is, there is no cure. However, some natural and integrative treatments can help cancer patients in their battle.
(And, there are lifestyle changes to help thwart cancer before it sets up shop in your body.)
Now, you may be thinking, “This is quack medicine.” … No, we’re focused on research-backed science – learnings that can only come from doctors and scientists who are indeed on the front lines to discover cutting-edge treatments. does not advocate any particular method of treatment. Natural, integrative, conventional – each of these protocols have a place in the treatment of cancer.
As a primer for what you will read on, let’s take a look at these different types of treatments:
Medical professionals who support natural (also known as alternative or holistic) treatments believe the human body has an innate ability heal itself.
Often, these doctors, oncologists, and health care professionals utilize natural, non-toxic therapies to address the disease.
Examples of natural cancer treatments include Gerson Therapy, the Budwig Protocol, Oxygen Therapy, and Immunotherapy.
This type of cancer modality is precisely what the name implies: alternative care used in conjunction with conventional care.
Integrative treatments are complimentary. Often, natural treatments –Vitamin C, for example – are used with chemotherapy.
Among the most recognized integrative treatments is Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT). In this case, a low dose of chemotherapy – generally 75 to 90% less – is used with insulin to destroy cancer cells.
These are the most common treatments – chemo, radiation, and surgery – and the modalities many first associated with cancer.
To be sure: Not all chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery is “bad.” Many times, it is necessary to use one, two or all three approaches to fighting cancer. will provide relevant content to help you determine which course of treatment is best suited for your needs. However, talking with your doctor is paramount.
Cancer is not a one-size-fits-all disease; neither is the treatment of cancer – it is unique to each person. Just because Aunt Betty had breast cancer and did ABC does not mean that ABC will work for Aunt Jane. In fact, XYZ may be the ticket to remission for her.
And then there is the cost for cancer treatment – regardless of if the patient has insurance.
In October 2018, Kaiser Health News reported, “Precision medicine is one of the most celebrated areas in cancer research. But the high cost of cutting-edge tests and treatments is threatening to keep it out of reach for many patients.”
The reason: Insurance companies determine whether or not a treatment falls under its coverage. Researchers consider “precision medicine” a game-changer, and the approach is gaining momentum. Meanwhile, insurance providers maintain precision medicine is “experimental” (and thus do not cover the costs).
Nonetheless, there are ways for cancer patients to cover the expenses of treatment. Funding strategies include financing, networking, and health-share networks.
Also, an often-overlooked source for funding is the sale of an existing life insurance policy. This is when a policyholder sells the life insurance policy to a third party. In this case, the policy is sold for more than its cash value but less than its net death benefit.
So, there’s the 30,000-foot view of what this site is about: no-frills information about natural, integrative, and conventional cancer treatments and the various ways you can fund cancer treatments. does not embrace “scare” tactics. We embrace you, the patient – and we hope you welcome our commitment to providing relevant, fact-based information regarding the treatment of cancer.