

February 4, 2022 – World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day

Nearly ten million people worldwide die from cancer each year. Despite advances in early detection and treatment, these numbers only continue to grow. However, over a third of the most common types of cancer can be prevented with healthy lifestyle changes. World Cancer Day was initially created back in 2000 to highlight the importance of building awareness on preventing cancer. Choosing to focus on healthy living doesn’t only help to prevent many cancers, but it also provides numerous other benefits to your physical body and mental health.

When is World Cancer Day?

World Cancer Day is held on February 4th each year, and the primary goal is to increase awareness about cancer. Learning healthy lifestyle tips can help prevent many different cancers while saving countless lives each year. Staying proactive by living a healthy lifestyle also decreases the risk of suffering other diseases, and it’s a great way to increase your mental well-being over the long term.

Healthy Living Tips for World Cancer Day

Understanding how to live a healthy lifestyle is key to longevity. Making even a few healthy lifestyle changes can significantly impact your life and decrease your risk for certain cancers. While everyone knows it’s essential to stay active and eat a healthy diet, it’s not always easy to follow through with these healthy lifestyle changes. However, setting smaller goals and slowly building up to more significant objectives can give you the motivation needed to live a much healthier life.

Here are a few healthy living tips to consider to help prevent your risk of cancer.

Avoid a Sedentary Lifestyle

Obesity remains a major problem in the United States and across other parts of the world. Not getting enough physical activity and an unhealthy diet are two of the biggest factors of a sedentary lifestyle that causes people to be obese. It’s recommended to get at least 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week. On the other hand, being obese or overweight is strongly linked to developing an increased risk of kidney, gallbladder, breast, pancreatic, and esophageal cancers.

Don’t Use Tobacco

Tobacco is a major risk factor that results in 22% of all cancer deaths. Understanding how to overcome tobacco use is key to living a healthy lifestyle. Some people can quit tobacco on their own, but you can also use various medications to help overcome your addiction. Developing a strategy and building a support system around you for avoiding tobacco is also critical to healthy living.

Limit Your Intake of Alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol regularly can increase your risk of numerous cancers. Most experts recommend that women limit their alcoholic beverages to one drink per day while men avoid more than two drinks per day. One drink is considered 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, and 1.5 ounces of 80-proof liquor. However, people with a higher cancer risk always need to discuss their daily alcohol limits with a doctor.

Take Precautions with Cancer-Causing Viruses

Chronic infections can also cause cancer. For example, the hepatitis B virus (HBV) raises the risk of liver cancer, while human papillomavirus (HPV) increases the chance of cervical cancer. Luckily, there are vaccines to help protect against these viruses. You can also decrease your risk of an HPV infection by limiting your sexual partners.

Protect Your Skin Against UV Radiation

Too much exposure to UV radiation is one of the most significant risks for skin cancer. Avoiding tanning beds and not spending too much time in direct sunlight from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM can help protect you against UV radiation. Wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen is another effective way to protect yourself against UVA and UVB radiation. You can even protect yourself by wearing a long-sleeved shirt and long pants if you are outside.

Try to Avoid Being Around Air Pollution

Air pollution is another risk factor that increases your chance of cancer. According to the World Health Organization statistics, environmental risk factors contribute to around 19% of cancer diagnoses. You can reduce air pollution in your house by not letting anyone smoke inside, using carbon monoxide detectors, and avoiding the use of harsh household cleaners. Wearing protective breathing equipment is also vital if you are working around asbestos.

Closing Thoughts

Healthy living is a choice that impacts your life in various ways. Making healthy lifestyle changes can help you reduce your risk of cancer, whether eating a healthy diet, staying active, or not using any forms of tobacco. Protecting your skin against UV rays with sunscreen, limiting your alcohol intake, and improving the indoor air quality of your home can also play a key role in living a healthy lifestyle.